My Journey to Reclaiming My Life

Table of Contents

๐ŸŒŸ Introduction

About a year ago, my life hit rock bottom due to health reasons beyond my control. I found myself unable to function like a normal human being. Going outside became a challenge, eating became difficult, and every day felt like a struggle. During this 8-month period, I lost 20 lbs and many friends. As someone who had always been carefree, I had to learn how to deal with anxiety attacks. My sole focus during this time was to regain a sense of normalcy. After 1 year and 93 days, I can proudly say that I am on the path to recovery. While my health issues still linger, I have done everything in my control to reclaim my life. It may have taken longer than expected, but this is the story of how I turned my life around in just 100 days.

๐Ÿงน Step 1: Clean Up Your Act

When your life starts spiraling downward, it's essential to start by cleaning up your environment. I firmly believe that our external surroundings reflect our internal state. In my case, my messy workspace and neglected personal hygiene mirrored the chaos I felt inside. It was a never-ending loop that kept dragging me further down. To break free, I began by cleaning my room, organizing my desk, doing my laundry, and taking care of my hygiene. These small steps made a huge difference in how I felt. After months of hitting rock bottom, I finally felt empowered to make a change.

๐Ÿ“ต Step 2: Lessen Screen Usage

During my lowest point, I found myself spending an average of 11 to 13 hours per day on screens. Whether it was mindlessly scrolling through social media, rewatching movies, or visiting the same websites repeatedly, my screen time was out of control. I had become completely disconnected from the real world. Realizing that this was hindering my personal growth, I decided to take action. I got two phones - one loaded with distraction apps and the other with essential tools to help me live my life. By removing the option to indulge in mindless scrolling, I significantly reduced my screen time to just 1 to 2 hours per day.

๐ŸŒฑ Step 3: Trying Out Healthy Habits

Isolating myself for an extended period resulted in severe anxiety attacks whenever I had to socialize. I felt powerless against my own thoughts, and it became increasingly uncomfortable. To address this, I decided to try out various healthy habits. I started journaling for 3 days, practiced gratitude for a week, attended therapy sessions for 3 months, and even incorporated meditation into my routine for 9 months. Therapy, though unexpected, played a crucial role in my personal growth. Through experimentation, I found what worked for me and discarded what didn't.

๐Ÿ” Step 4: Figure Out What You Want

As I started picking up the pieces of my life, I realized that I lacked direction. I knew I wanted to feel like a normal person again, but I needed to identify my goals beyond that. I immersed myself in books, articles, and videos on self-improvement, searching for answers. Eventually, I learned three valuable lessons. First, there were only a few key areas of my life that truly mattered to me - relationships, fun, career, finances, and health. Second, I discovered the importance of setting both ambitious and minimum goals for each area. This balance helped manage my expectations and kept me motivated. Lastly, I shifted my focus from outcome-based goals to input-based goals. Instead of fixating on the end result, I concentrated on the daily actions that would lead me there.

๐Ÿ“… Step 5: Building Your Schedule

A good life is built on a foundation of good days, which in turn are made up of good weeks, months, and years. To create an ideal life, I needed to start with an ideal day. I evaluated my priorities in each key area of my life and designed my schedule accordingly. Career, relationships, fun, health, and finances all had their dedicated time slots on my calendar. By allocating time for what truly mattered to me, I ensured that my actions aligned with my goals.

๐Ÿš€ Step 6: Doing What You Say You're Going to Do

While the previous steps were essential, they were merely preparations for this one. It was now time to take action and follow through on the goals I had set for myself. Every time I failed to do what I said I would, I lost trust in myself and hindered my progress. It became crucial for me to stick to my schedule and honor my commitments. Consistency was key. By doing the same actions repeatedly, I built confidence in my abilities and gathered evidence that I was becoming the person I aspired to be. Along this journey, I also learned the importance of being kind to myself. Treating myself with compassion and understanding allowed me to persevere through challenges and enjoy the process.

⏳ Step 7: Consistency Over Everything

At this point, I could finally see progress and feel a sense of accomplishment. It was through consistent habits that I managed to climb out of the depths of my rock bottom. In the past, I used to believe that intensity could make up for lack of consistency. However, I realized that consistency was the key to success. Even when I felt nauseous and physically unable to do anything else, I made a promise to myself to walk for just one minute outside. That one minute gradually turned into five, then ten, and eventually twenty. This tiny habit became the catalyst for picking up the pieces and moving forward with every other step of the journey. If you're looking to embark on a similar transformation, I highly recommend using the Happy Tracker First 100 app on iOS.

๐Ÿ” Step 8: Reflecting on the Progress

While the past months were undoubtedly the most challenging period of my life, I cannot deny the growth it brought me. Even in the midst of sickness and hardship, I stumbled upon a book called "The Myth of Copus" that resonated with me deeply. It reminded me that the struggle itself toward achieving greatness is enough to fulfill a person's heart. I hope that by sharing my story, you can draw inspiration and valuable lessons for your own journey.

๐Ÿ“š Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: How long did it take you to recover?

    A: It took me a year and 93 days to reach a point where I felt kind of recovered. While my health issues still persist, I have made significant progress in reclaiming my life.

  • Q: What inspired you to make these changes?

    A: Hitting rock bottom and experiencing the lowest point in my life inspired me to make a change. I was tired of feeling helpless and wanted to regain a sense of normalcy.

  • Q: How did therapy help?

    A: Therapy played a pivotal role in my journey. It helped me address my anxiety attacks and provided the necessary guidance and support to navigate through the challenges I faced.

  • Q: What advice do you have for someone going through a similar experience?

    A: My advice would be to start by cleaning up your environment and reducing screen time. Try out healthy habits, set clear goals, build a schedule that aligns with your priorities, and most importantly, be consistent in your actions. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout the process.

✨ Conclusion

Life is full of ups and downs, but it's how we navigate through the ordinary days that truly shapes our journey. By taking control of my environment, habits, and mindset, I managed to turn my life around in just 100 days. The road to recovery wasn't easy, but it was worth every moment. I reflect on my progress and continue to strive for consistency, knowing that even the smallest steps can lead to significant change. I hope my story has provided you with inspiration and guidance for your own transformative journey.


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